MA Course
EU Enlargement Policy and Europeanisation

This MA course will offer an interdisciplinary approach and a two-fold perspective on the EU enlargement Policy and Europeanization in the candidate countries. This is informed by the different conceptual and theoretical approaches of Policy and Law, and the two-fold perspective looks at the internal (institutional, policy and legal framework) and external aspects (relation with and impact in accession countries) of EU Enlargement.
More specifically, the aims of this MA Jean Monnet course are: (i) to understand the development of EU enlargement policy, its legal foundations, and the current legal and political debates around it; (ii) to identify the state-of-play and legal and policy challenges in the current EU enlargement policy and its impact; (iii) to provide students with the analytical tools to critically think on the EU role, its political objectives and policy mechanism towards EU enlargement dilemmas and deadlocks from a two-fold legal and policy perspective.
The course is taught by Dr. Zamira Xhaferri, Course Coordinator and Lecturer, and Dr. Dorian Jano, Lecturer.
Undergraduate Course
EU International Relations Law

This BA course aims to provide students interested in EU law and international law a deeper insight into the growing body of ‘EU External Relations Law‘. In doing so, the goal is to understand and debate the legal and political interests that have shaped the present state of the EU in the world: the historical impact of the CJEU, the influence of pro-integration members, the influence of the European Commission (‘Commission’), Council of the EU (‘Council’) and European Parliament (‘Parliament’). Its objective is thus to not simply know internal rules governing EU external relations as well as EU law as against international law, but also to look beyond the law – to understand the economic and political interests which these rules reflect, and to comprehend their impact on socio-economic and political processes these rules intend to organize.
The course is taught twice in Semester 2.